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Ok, this is a bit of an inside joke, so anyone not from DPS mathura road, don’t expect to get this.

The adventures of V-man and the U-kid :The Prologue
Let me introduce V-man and his trusty side-kick the U-kid. Scene today in school. A bunch of kids are fighting. With a most super-hero like yell V-man jumps to the rescue. U-kid looks on hopefully. Using his most faithfull weapon, The Nod of Death V-man subdues the fight. Yells something about a “compro” U-kid giggles in the back-ground. Turns out the kids weren’t fighting anyway.

Scene Shift.
Its late in the afternoon. The last period to be exact. V-man and U-kid are discussing plans to welcome the 10thies back from thier boards. They assume cries of “Hail the conquering Heroes” will not be sufficient. Things get political. A portly kid, an irritating girl and A-boy walk up. U-kid uses his secret weapon : The ultra-sonic giggle to scare them away as V-man looks on. A-boy uses his non-sensical skills to kick footballs at everybody. The bell rings, people go home.
V-man congratulates U-kid on a job well done.

Weird perhaps, But this stuff really happened.
In other news, Phoenix has landed on mars,Nick Sakozy has a thing for chicks in bikinis(Oh, I never knew), I registered for the SAT II in june, I have no idea when MJKPS’ Cyberfest will happen and the person who took most of these needs to go see a doctor about his hand.

One Comment

  1. damn you portly kid and A-boy

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